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Go Long Term

Go Long-Term

Much of the ministry vision of Camino Global requires cross-cultural servants who are in it for the long haul.  While real impact can happen in short time frames, the bigger picture of the transformation of communities, cities, and nations requires a commitment to time; time to build trust, time to establish healthy churches, time to train leaders, time to see Biblical maturity take root.

Most Long-Term missionaries point to a shorter-term experience as key to their process of discovering God's will for them to expand their service.  Long-Term members of Camino are generally confident of their call to serve for an extended season, and often vocationally, in cross-cultural ministry.  A long-term assignment requires careful prayer, preparation, and commitment. Applicants must demonstrate maturity and Christ-likeness in their character.

Long-Term applicants should:

  • Be in agreement with the doctrinal statement of Camino Global.
  • Be willing to work in a team environment.
  • Be active in and have the support of their home church.
  • Have a college degree and/or extensive prior ministry and field missionary service experience.
  • Have a degree in biblical, theological or missiological studies, or equivalent. For those who do not meet this requirement at the time of application, a condensed foundational course of biblical study through a trusted Camino partner may be an option (program to completed before departure for field).
  • For those desiring to pursue a Theological Education ministry focus, have a master’s degree in biblical, theological or missiological studies.
  • Have ministry experience specific to ministry assignment.
  • Be available to travel for a pre-field visit to determine ministry and field team fit.
  • Be available to attend Candidate Assessment & Orientation at the Camino home office.
  • Be willing to attend a pre-field cross-cultural training course at CIT (Center for Intercultural Training) as well as language training.

Go: Find Your Fit

Did you know?
In Spanish, "Camino" means "journey, way or path."
Journey with spanish speakers. Transform the world.