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About Us

About Us

Camino Global exists to makes disciples of Jesus Christ, serving among and with Spanish speakers globally.

The name Camino Global reflects the fact that even though our ministry of more than 125 years remains focused on Spanish speakers, they are no longer limited to the Western Hemisphere and Spain. Spanish Speakers are on the move globally. As they move, we will move with them, going direct to serve the Church, transform communities, equip believers, and reach the world.

Camino is on a shared journey of spiritual transformation with Spanish speakers. The word 'camino' is translated from Spanish as “journey”, “path” or “way.” So our name speaks of our spiritual journey, of action, and of movement. And the name Camino points directly Jesus, who says in John 14:6: "Yo soy el camino, la verdad, y la vida" ("the way, the truth and the life").

We have a first name and a last name. Our last name is equally important. Global provides a clear scope for the journey, and reflects the Latin American diaspora, the migration of Spanish speakers across the globe. We are taking the message of Christ's redemption and restoration worldwide as we serve among and with Spanish speakers everywhere.

Founded in 1890 as the Central American Mission, Camino Global has always been focused on ministry among Spanish speakers. Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua have been at the heart of our outreach for more than a century. The mission went through its first name change in 1975, from the Central American Mission to CAM International, reflecting the expansion of ministries beyond Central America to places such as Mexico, Spain, Panama, Hispanic USA and Canada.

Today, the scope of our outreach is truly global. Camino missionaries serve alongside Spanish speakers everywhere, with feet on the ground on four continents. And the explosive growth of online ministry has accelerated Camino's impact on a global scale, reaching Spanish speakers in more than 100 nations through tools such as and ministry partnerships with organizations such as Global Media Outreach.

You are invited to Go Direct with Camino! GO | GIVE | EXPLORE | PRAY

Dallas staff and local missionaries gathered at the home office on May 21, 2012 for the Camino Global Launch Party.

Go: Find Your Fit

Did you know?
In Spanish, "Camino" means "journey, way or path."
Journey with spanish speakers. Transform the world.