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Capital: Tegucigalpa
Population: 7.6 million
Percentage Evangelical: 23%
Year Camino Ministry Began: 1896

Easter in Honduras - April 2018

through the eyes of a Camino missionary

“During Holy Week, you'll find some people on the streets of Honduras celebrating Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, while many others will be at the beach enjoying extended time off work and school during the hottest time of the year.

In many neighborhoods, devout Catholics make altars in front of their homes with statues of Jesus, Mary, and other saints, in order to represent one of the fourteen stations of the cross. To prepare for Good Friday, Hondurans will work all night to make alfombras, colorful rugs made out of sawdust.  The alfrombras are displayed throughout the city to illustrate the stations of the cross. On Friday, there are vigils and fiestas where people sing, eat, and read the bible together.

Saturday morning will see a parade usually led by Catholic priests. People pray and sing while they walk on the alfombras along the processional route to the Catholic Church. After attending Sunday services, the town is completely back to normal with a lot of traffic as people make their way back home. Life goes on. Year after year, it is typically forgotten that Christ’s story continues the rest of the year.

The Honduran seminary that we work with celebrates the resurrection of Christ with a joint service at 5:00 am on Sunday. It is a very special time for which many of the different churches in the area come together.

For me, Easter is a time that I remember how great, amazing, and powerful God is, and how thankful I am for the salvation He provided through His Son.”

Country Profile

Honduras was devastated by Hurricane Mitch in 1998, but in the years that followed God has used the catastrophe to recharge the church. Nonetheless, the country remains among the most economically depressed in the Western Hemisphere. Honduras is the second largest and the most mountainous of the five Central American republics. Rain forests cover 45 percent of the country. Camino ministries are centered primarily in the cities of Tegucigalpa (capital), Siguatepeque, Santa Barbara, and San Pedro Sula. There is a desperate need for leadership training, construction and evangelism teams, AIDS crisis intervention, microenterprise development, technology, communications and media, and ESL (English as a Second Language), to support the overall need and strategy for church growth and development.

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